Our new spring collection has just been added to our website and we are excited to announce the addition of no one but three new sectional sofa beds. Our vision for these items was to use the feedback we receive from customers and craft 3 unique sectional sofa beds that offer maximum comfort at an affordable price.
1# Harpo Reversible Sectional Sofa Bed
The perfect condo size sectional sofa bed the Harpo offers a sleek design and an innovative pull out mechanism at a great value. This sofa bed will keep your living room looking modern during the day, and when needed will easily transform into a bed for your guests to sleep comfortably all night long.
2# Marline Reversible Sectional Sofa Bed
With a mid century modern design and sleeper function the Marline sofa bed is a stunning piece of furniture with multi-functional capabilities. You no longer need to pick between looks and function, get the best of both worlds with this reversible sectional sofa bed.
3# Bergen Reversible Sectional Sofa Bed
The Bergen is much more than just a sectional sofa, equipped with two retractable chaises this sofa can be easily converted into a bed for your overnight guest. In addition to that this sofa bed is built in such a way that you can switch the chaise side making sure it can adapt to any home renovations or moves!
All three of these items can be pre-ordered right now and will be available in our Vancouver warehouse June 7, 2021.Order now and guarantee your modern sectional sofa bed.