What are chair sleepers?

Chair sleepers are a small version of a sofa bed, this means you get the look and feel of a chair when closed and a twin size bed when opened. This category of sofa sleeper has improved drastically in past years and now offers both the great looks of an accent chair and the function of a sofa bed.


What function does a chair sleeper deliver?

A classic chair sleeper will offer you a sitting position and a bed position, but when it comes to our chair sleeper we offer 5 different back positions allowing you to sit, lounge or sleep. This is possible due to our unique ratchet mechanism that allows for a quick and ease opening and closing motion.


How much are chair sleepers?

You can find the lower end models for around $300 but we suggest you stay away from those as the only way to provide a product at such a price tag is to cut corners on the foam and frame used, truly affecting the overall product quality. We believe the sweet spot for chair sleepers is between $500-$600 in this price range. You can be sure your product frame is solid and the foam used won't fall apart.  


Are chair sleepers comfortable?

Chairs sleepers are very comfortable for both sleeping and sitting, just make sure you do your research and check reviews before committing to a brand. Some companies will use lower grade foam to cut the cost affecting the overall comfort of the chair.


What are the best chair sleepers?

When looking for the best chair sleeper make sure to look for: a metal frame, high density foam, removable fabric cover, multiple back positions, and a warranty to back it all up. Some of our products that match this description are the Alna and Coda chair sleepers.

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